Blog Home > Passion > “I felt equipped to discover God’s will for sharing the gifts He has entrusted to me.”
July 23, 2015
Judy Lewis

A guest post from Linda Chowdry, a two-time Inspiring Generous Joy (now WDW Signature Event) attendee.

I have had the wonderful opportunity to attend two Women Doing Well events, and I came away from both days filled with the prospect of giving joyfully. Having been given the tools to learn my purpose, discover my passion, and develop my plan, I felt equipped to discover God’s will for sharing the gifts He has entrusted to me. He has blessed all of us with time, talent, and treasure, and through Women Doing Well, I began to understand I could say yes to the things that touched my heart and no to the things that felt like a burden the minute I said yes.

Staying Close to Christ

This is a journey, and it has been two steps forward and one step backward. I still fall into old habits. I strive to be a more strategic giver but I sometimes give in a shotgun pattern, scattering God’s gifts in a way that is unsatisfying to my heart and has very little impact for the individuals or ministries I choose to help serve. It almost feels careless.

For me there is another pitfall along the road to significant giving: I get waylaid by a well-meaning and enthusiastic friend or a talented development director. I have a tendency to want to give to everything, and there are so many valid and valuable ministries. One thing stirs my heart, then another, and I end up with a jumbled mess and a heavy heart. God shows me He uses all my gifts even if I stray from the purpose, passion, and plan He has for me, but my giving is not as joyful.

We are all very human travelers lost without the hand of God to lead us on the journey to Christ-like giving. The surest way for me to wander from the path is to look away from the Word that is a light and guide. Thankfully, His hand is always there to grasp me when I stumble.

Women Doing Well has given me godly tools for Kingdom giving.

Women Doing Well has given me godly tools for Kingdom giving. I’m better equipped through powerful videos, heartfelt testimonies, personalized boutiques, and beautiful materials. And all this is delivered in a fun and nurturing day. Given the opportunity to experience this again, through the grace of God, I’ll take that next step.


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