Blog Home > Plan > Getting a Plan Started: Talking to Your Advisor
July 3, 2015
Judy Lewis

In his book Spiritual Thoughts on Material Things, E.G. “Jay” Link reminds us that when making a plan and a budget for giving, it is important that your advisors are asking the right questions. If you are a follower of Jesus, then it is important to know at least some of your advisors are coming from a biblical worldview.

Below are foundational principles from Scripture that Jay recommends using so you’re on the same page with your advisors*:

• God owns everything, and it is our sole job as trustees to find out what God wants us to do with all the stuff He has entrusted to us (see Psalm 24:1).

• It is more blessed to give than to receive (see Acts 20:35).

• Life indeed: comes from being generous and not from holding on to our wealth for our own consumption and pleasure (see 1 Timothy 6:17-19).

• A person’s ability to make wealth comes from God and is not the result of our own personal genius and hard work (see Deuteronomy 8:17-18).

• Poorly thought out and excessive inheritances can destroy the very people we love the most (see Proverbs 20:21, Ecclesiastes 2:18-19, 21).

• The best financial investment a person can make is in the Kingdom and the “profits” from those investments will be stored up and waiting for us when we relocate to our permanent home to enjoy for eternity (see Matthew 6:19-21).

• Accumulating wealth solely for our own ease and comfort leaves us defined by God as a “fool” (see Luke 12:16-21).

* Note: These bullets taken from Spiritual Thoughts on Material Things and used with permission.

Who are your financial advisors and do you know their worldview? What steps do you need to take to bring your planning in accordance with what Scripture teaches?



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