Blog Home > Purpose > Cheerfully Giving On Purpose
June 2, 2016
Mary Tomlinson

Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7 (ESV)

Quite a thoughtful verse to ponder, isn’t it? In giving of our time, talent, and treasure, are we typically cheerful givers or do we give reluctantly or under compulsion? As we have met thousands of women through the Inspiring Generous Joy (now WDW Signature Event) conferences, the answers are yes, yes, and yes.

  • Yes, at times, we are cheerful givers, full of joy, fulfillment, satisfaction, and the deep sense of God’s pleasure as we generously give of ourselves.
  • Yes, at times, we are reluctant givers. Webster defines reluctant as unwilling and hesitant; disinclined. Any times come to mind when you have been a reluctant giver?
  • Yes, at times we give under compulsion. Webster defines compulsion as the action or state of forcing or being forced to do something; constraint. Any times come to mind when you have given under compulsion?

An interesting reflective exercise is to consider what percentages of your giving today would fall under each category above.

What cheerful giving looks like

So how can we more cheerful in our giving more of the time? I have found that when we are giving out of our God-created and uniquely designed purpose, we are more joyful.

In my own life, my purpose is Inspiring Hope. When I am inspiring hope in someone’s life (through time, talent, or treasure), I feel very hopeful and cheerful in my giving. Time goes by fast, I am energized, and so very grateful to God for using me.

In contrast, when I cannot make the giving connection to my purpose or I’m doing something because “somebody needs to do it so I guess it has to be me or “I just don’t know how I can say no,” the feelings of “giving reluctantly or under compulsion” creep in to my heart and spirit. Time drags, the action is draining, and there is a sense of striving.

Using your purpose statement as a filter for your giving opportunities enables you to make purposeful choices. With your purpose statement in mind, ask these questions:

  • Is this opportunity on purpose for me?
  • Or, is this request off purpose? Perhaps I should I say no to this opportunity so that I can yes to others that are more on purpose for me. Remember, something that is off purpose for you may be perfectly on purpose for someone else, so it’s possible you were not supposed to do it in the first place!

In our world, there are many needs and giving opportunities. I believe God created us uniquely to fulfill only what He intended for us (not all of them all of the time) according to His designed purpose within us.

As God’s Word instructs, let us each cheerfully live and give—in ways that are most On-Purpose!

Looking to learn more about your purpose? Attend a Women Doing Well™ Workshops, designed to help you more intentionally invest your time, talent, and treasure.


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