Blog Home > Passion > Igniting a Generous Community: 2015 Annual Report
February 25, 2016
Pam Pugh

Stories of women who are shining the light of generosity

After several years working with women across the country, we wanted to learn more about their growth in the grace of giving.

We asked Sagamore Institute, the organization that completed our first research study of Christian women and their generosity, to guide a new study focused specifically on women who are “Igniters” in their communities.

What’s an Igniter?

An Igniter is a woman who lives Matthew 5:13. And through her hospitality and generosity, she draws others to her generous Father in Heaven.

As she prepared the research, Dr. Amy Sherman shared many conversations with Igniters. You can read the results in our annual report, including how these courageously generous women are igniting their communities through the message of purposeful giving.

We invite you to read their stories and share this research with your friends, ministry leaders, and others interested in living a generous life.


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