Other than “Why do I exist?” the most asked question I hear as a coach is “How do I know God’s call for my life?” Knowing God’s call can feel complex if we over complicate what we are searching for.
Moving Forward in Confidence
I heard a sermon recently about how to know what God is telling you to do:
1. Do what He’s told you. His Word is full of direction and promises and is our guide map in life.
2. Do what He tells you. As His children led by the Spirit within us, He promises He will reveal Himself to us and His truth will set us free.
3. Do whatever you do as if He told you. Colossians 3:17: “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”
When I truly trust a loving God, I know that He hears my prayers and I can confidently move forward down the road He has put before me. I am secure in knowing, that if (and when) I make a wrong turn, He will turn me right or left or even direct a complete U-turn. God cannot steer a parked car. We must place our trust in Him, put the car in gear, and begin to move forward.
Living Out Our Calling in Fruitfulness
I believe our calling changes throughout our life. No matter what it is, when we are in our calling, the results will be fruitful—on the easy days and the hard days.
Recently on a morning walk, I noticed two small trees damaged by a storm. One, even though it was bent to the ground, stayed connected at the root. For months it continued to produce green leaves. I was reminded of the times in my life when I too was pushed to the ground but remained connected to God and continued to walk out my calling.
The other tree was bent and broken off. It quickly became brown as the leaves died. For me, this was a piercing reminder of difficult times when I felt broken off from my godly vine.
My heart’s desire is that in the midst of changes and even hardships, my life can still flourish and I can live out the calling and purpose God has created for me. I can trust Him to guide me along the way.